Woo time for another update (yea yea for trying to do this right and once a week)! This week has been good to me it seems. *rolls happily* Can't say im not excited to finally get some things going. yay for stirrings of creative juices. Now if only i could get my rear into an art class that would be wonderful.

Couple of things to show this week. Most of them only lineworks and a few sketches. Haven't really gotten to colouring anything this week since i just ordered about 30+ more markers this week to replace old ones and expand on my current set. I hope to be able to make my stuff smooth into marker mastery better. We'll see how that works after a lot more practice.

First off is the Bijou piece i have been working on for ages. I finally finished up on her hair and decided to ink the thing for better or worse. I'm not really too thrilled with the lines but i'll remedy that later after i colour it. For now they seem too faded for my liking. I may have to look into getting a different type of inking pen that doesn't lift so much when i'm trying to clean out my sketches from underneath them. I can not wait to tackle this drawing with markers though.

I know i know - I haven't actually drawn anything remotely male in a long long time. Well im trying to remedy that by getting some practice in on my OC's. Verdigris will be the first one i Tackle to try and get things back to rights. I'm really rather pleased on how he turned out so far. I think for once i managed to make him look manly? For once? I hope? I dunno i think he looks manlier then i have ever managed to portray thus far. But woo again for another lineart.

Heh - this one was more of something to be goofy. It's my D&D char design in the works. I dunno what i think about it yet. I was trying to do a mohawk that's made up of feathers but couldn't really find a way to portray that really well (though suddenly i realize i could have used Indian head dresses as ref for help with that - seriously i'm such an idiot some times). Anyways I'm playing with the colours on this, and it is not a set design as of yet. but we'll see what becomes of it.

Wooba i finally coloured this one! YAY! though she is still not finished because i ran out of the right colour yellows for her wing - that's why i ordered more markers, here's hoping they get here on Tuesday. I am really really proud of this one, I think i even like the colours more then the last A'iel piece i coloured. Something about it just makes me so damn happy looking at it. YAY for trying another picture with nips in it *snort*. This could become a trend >.>;
Hah i haven't updated this thing in ages! again >.>; seriously i need to get into the habit of updating this at least once a week. I think I'm actually going to put that on my agenda to do each week >.<;; that way at least i will have to force myself to get this done! ah well, no sense whining over spilled milk.

Alright a few things have changed since i last posted. I moved to a new state and now abide in South Carolina. Its really really pretty here and i love my new house but i haven't yet found all my art supplies from the move or a place to buy replacement stuff as of yet. First things first, im going to have to put up all the sketches i did in the last few weeks >.>; this may be a bit longer then expected.

First comes the two venetian masks I've been working on for some time. neither of them are completed as of yet, but i was very pleased to have at least put on the paint, sealant, and the trim around the edges. even if they aren't both completely done to my satisfaction, they look significantly better then the blank white things they were before. I'm hoping to get feathers on the center top of the smaller ones to have a sort of fluffy center thing, and the second i was toying with more red ropes and gold filigree >.>; we'll see how that turns out.

I've added more to my Bijou picture, still not done either, but i think its progressing nicely for a first attempt at something like that. I'm really happy with it still, hopefully that stays for a while. Not quite sure what to do with it after i get all the pencils down. i may copy it on to another paper and do some nice clean lines with it and colour it all with marker and colouring pencil. Or i may try braving it with watercolour . . . still deciding.

I have a second (unfinished) Bijou picture i had started working on not long after the aforementioned one. This one is actually closer to completion (at least in regards to the lines). I face the same dilemma with this as the other in how im going to colour it. I may just do both in both medias just to see how it turns out. Would be good practice if nothing else. I was trying to stay in keeping with Alphonse Mucha's elaborate hair swirlies and toplessness.

This one is actually a very long overdue drawing that i had meant to scan months ago. Its a little sketch of my character Kiev. I don't think i have the legs to the way i want them as of yet, its a lot harder to settle on a design then i thought it would be. My best bet would probably to go to a pet store and stare at some lizards for a while, but i'm much too lazy (and i have to fight the urge to buy a kitten every time i go to a pet store).

Last two are A'iel drawings that i did while i was bored in my new house waiting for my stuff to get here. No internet, books, or anything makes for prime time to doodle the time away. Nothing makes the boredom go away quicker then actually DOING something in the time then bemoaning the loss of something to do and actually doing nothing. Heh i actually completely and totally geeked out yesterday when i found out the image on the bottom (coloured one) could be put on a pair of custom made slip on shoes. You have no idea how much the idea of my own drawing on my feet tickles me. Not quite as cool as drawing it on their myself, but very very close.

Yay getting back into the swing of doing things that are artsy is so much simpler when you are bored out of your mind and trying to find ANYTHING to do to keep yourself going stark raving mad. thankfully i have many artsy supplies laying about the house and the drive to do something - anything - everything i can to make these next 5 weeks pass faster.

I've been meaning to make a venetian mask of my very own for a very long time. Originally i was supposed to make it with a friend of mine, but the idea sort of fell through since she prefers not putting plaster over her face. Regardless, I'd been meaning to do it and finally set my mind to getting the thing started when i couldn't summon the drive to play my video game (astonishing, i know). I had so very much fun making the first mask, that shortly after i made the second. i plan on decorating these soon, and then im rather keen on hanging them on the wall in my room. the larger one im of a mind to do in the theme of an owl, the smaller in some of my favorite colours, we'll see how they turn out.

Made a small wooden and lace valentine to send to my husband while he is in boot camp. I didn't take a picture of it, but the back has a message for him that i wrote in sharpie (hehe classy i know). I'm hoping to make two more with my small child spawn to send along with a ring he is requesting i send him as soon as possible. I am rather worried as to how i will ship it..

And lastly, i have added more to my picture of Bijou, im rather loving how she is turning out, but am keeping it slow. I dont want to rush nearer to the end and then instantly hate it (and myself) for screwing up something i had grown so fond of over the weeks that i have been working on it. Still haven't decided if i want to paint it via watercolor or maybe try using markers and coloring pencil again, its been such a very very long time.
It's been a really really long time since i have posted in here has it not?

things have been hectic and i have not been doing much other then drawing a few sketches here and there. Most of the time while im at work or watching a movie. I recently quit my job and became a sort of full time stay at home mom since my husband shipped out to go do boot camp for the Navy. So lots of time on my hands to hopefully get back into drawing at least one completed "something" a week.

well i guess i'll go ahead and start.

This is more of an arts and craft then what i usually do. I have this bad habit of destroying things when im worried about something or angry, so i started making these little origami stars to keep my hands busy when i want to do something of that sort. I have fun folding them and then putting them into cute little jars like the following to decorate things and give out to my buddies. I'm currently working on a green (various shades) and white bottle.

The above are steps in order (excluding a few that were really messy that i didnt particularly feel like taking pictures of) of a tattoo design i was trying to settle on to have put on my upper back right between and a little bit above my shoulder blades. I'm still not completely happy with the colours on the final design (and my daughter found it and attacked it with a pencil) but so far i think i like the general design of the thingger. Just not sure if i will ever get the balls to actually get it done on myself. needles *shudder*

This one is another tattoo design that is still in the works (for somewhere near the ankle prolly on the right leg). A friend and i have decided we wanted to get a tattoo together, and shes cool with it being of my favorite bird (quetzal). We were wanting it to be smallish and haven't really set on a design as of yet, so far this is the only one i have drawn that i like at all, but its much too large.

Been playing a lot of Aion these last few weeks, and im completely and totally enamored with the armour designs. I have had fun on multiple occasions sketching out my Spiritmaster and Chanter. I have a few more sketches in the works or that are in another sketch book im much too lazy to fetch and take pictures of. I'd like to eventually clean these up and get them coloured, but its looking like im going to have to do all of that on another sheet of paper.

and random sketches of my and a friends OC's. The Bijou one being the one i have been working on the most lately and dying to finish up and ink so i can try my hand at water colouring it in ^.~ I havent really decided if i'm going to attempt doing all my other female chars in that style (the very last) as well. Still pondering, though that one alone has already taken me ages.