Yay getting back into the swing of doing things that are artsy is so much simpler when you are bored out of your mind and trying to find ANYTHING to do to keep yourself going stark raving mad. thankfully i have many artsy supplies laying about the house and the drive to do something - anything - everything i can to make these next 5 weeks pass faster.

I've been meaning to make a venetian mask of my very own for a very long time. Originally i was supposed to make it with a friend of mine, but the idea sort of fell through since she prefers not putting plaster over her face. Regardless, I'd been meaning to do it and finally set my mind to getting the thing started when i couldn't summon the drive to play my video game (astonishing, i know). I had so very much fun making the first mask, that shortly after i made the second. i plan on decorating these soon, and then im rather keen on hanging them on the wall in my room. the larger one im of a mind to do in the theme of an owl, the smaller in some of my favorite colours, we'll see how they turn out.

Made a small wooden and lace valentine to send to my husband while he is in boot camp. I didn't take a picture of it, but the back has a message for him that i wrote in sharpie (hehe classy i know). I'm hoping to make two more with my small child spawn to send along with a ring he is requesting i send him as soon as possible. I am rather worried as to how i will ship it..

And lastly, i have added more to my picture of Bijou, im rather loving how she is turning out, but am keeping it slow. I dont want to rush nearer to the end and then instantly hate it (and myself) for screwing up something i had grown so fond of over the weeks that i have been working on it. Still haven't decided if i want to paint it via watercolor or maybe try using markers and coloring pencil again, its been such a very very long time.
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