Woo this is going to be significantly shorter then all my other posts. I haven't been sleeping well the last few days and the In laws are coming to stay with us for two weeks. Hoping that everything goes well tomorrow when my hubbers goes to MEPS to have his uber physical and swear into the Navy. Wish us luck.

In artsy views.. i have only finished one thing in the last couple of weeks. A chibi drawing of my Goddess of the Dark (N'oxina until i decide a better name or someone has a more impressive suggestion.) I LOVE the colors i used in this because darkness isn't only defined in shades of black or grey. Thought it would be fun to make a character where you never actually see more then her lips on her face- makes it more mysterious don't you think?

Anyways i always imagined that she would have sifting shadows behind her in the background, kinda roiling into the forms of Ravens and Wolves. I drew a little raven (its not a PIGEON) on her arm for.. well because i felt like it. Shes the creator of the Dark elves in my story and one of the Antagonists. YAY for BADDIES

I have one other picture to share but i haven't quite finished it in a way i like to show it off to anyone. EXPECT MORE ART SOON.
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